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Loughborough, East Midlands, United Kingdom
Roleymole (known to most as Laura Jonas) is a freelance illustrator currently designing primarily within the greetings industry. She loves all things cute and creative. You name it - she'll create it. And what's more, she loves commissions, just drop her an email with any queries!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

A work in progress

Something else I've been working on recently is Illustrating type from the relatively well known poem 'Half-Caste' written by John Agard. The poem is part of the current GCSE curriculum and found in the 'poems from other cultures' section of the AQA anthology. Poetry is becoming less popular in its traditional form (I'd argue that songs are a form of poetry that many still hold passion for), so I thought creating a project around making traditional poetry more visually stimulating might be an interesting path to trial, while challenging myself by attempting to make the poem more memorable for the 15 and 16 year old's trying to learn it for their exams.

Anyway.. here's a sneak peak of a couple of the preliminary spreads...

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