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Loughborough, East Midlands, United Kingdom
Roleymole (known to most as Laura Jonas) is a freelance illustrator currently designing primarily within the greetings industry. She loves all things cute and creative. You name it - she'll create it. And what's more, she loves commissions, just drop her an email with any queries!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

The BIG Project - Ben & Jodie's Wedding

I've been quite quiet on here for some time now.. so I thought I'd show you why! Last weekend dear friends of mine, Ben and Jodie, got married and I had they joy of creating all these for their special day. There were boards, signs, place tags, table numbers, table plans, and even a little postbox for the happy couple. It was an absolute pleasure to create all these little touches and very rewarding to see it all come together at the end. How I love doing work for weddings! If you like what you see and are in need/know someone in need of something similar (not just for weddings) then please do get in touch, I'm always happy to create bespoke work for individuals (in fact, its always more fun). 
- I'm always happy to receive any interest/comments/suggestions.. so please comment away! Hope you all enjoy..

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